Seller Guide

Follow these steps to view the On-Line Auctions at

Only REGISTERED Sellers are allowed to conduct the on-line auctions. To become REGISTERED Seller one needs to register with us - Registration Form. Registration is Fast, Easy and its FREE.
Please enter a valid e-mail ID in the Registration Form. All e-mail communications will be forwarded to the e-mail ID entered in the Registration Form may please be noted.
On registration, you will be provided with the Unique code which you are required to mention in every communication to Best Mulyankan.
You can choose your own Loginid and Password. Please remember:- The Loginid and Password you have entered in the Registration Form will only allow you to access the site. With your Loginid and Password you can 'NAVIGATE' the site and 'VIEW' the live auctions in progress.
Seller Home Screen During Live-Auction:
Seller can view Online Auction.
The Seller screen will be available to the seller to view Auction with details. There will be details of all lots with reserve prize,Start bid amount & Current bid amount with bid time.
Seller can click on set reserve price visibility to change visibilty of reserve prize of particular lot.
Seller can also change the Reserve Price of the particular lot by clicking on Update Reserve prize link.
Seller can change password by clicking on Change Password link.